I am writing out of desperation. I have spent the last 6 month locked away in my home.I was a beautiful girl before .Now I'm unable to face People , nor make eye contact, or want to leave my house.
I 'm thinking committed suiside so many times a day. What Method is less pain and short. I meet psychologist once a week, drop out of school and my bright future has ended. That doctor has destroyed my life. People on the internet talk positively about him such as he is handsome young doctor ,, like god of lips surgeon. He don\t have the right to cut my lips over 3|4. I told him not thin lips , but I did my lips assymetry, droped corner, and I have only lips eadges no volume at all , every thing just flat. I want to warn People, DO NOT DO LIPS SURGERY WHAT SO EVER !!! DONT CARE WHAT PEOPLE PRETEND YOU ABOUT YOUR FULL LIPS. IF YOU STILL LOVE YOUR FACE JUST LITTLE< JUST A LITTLE. STAY AWAY FROM THIS TYPE OF SURGERY |